Erik Kowarski

Do you live in the Perth metropolitan area?  Interested in learning to play the violin or fiddle?

Erik Kowarski is accepting a strictly limited number of private students.  All ages are catered for, beginner to advanced.  Styles taught include classical, Celtic, improvisation.

Rate is $60/hr by appointment only.

TEL:  08 9272 2118 or Email Erik

Erik Kowarski is one of WA’s, and possibly Australis’s, foremost improvising fiddle players.  Classically trained, Erik embraces both classical and non-classical styles.  He has performed solo and in bands for over 35 years including 70’s folk-rock cult band Touchstone, bush bands such as Bonza Creek, Fiddlers Green, Mucky Duck and the Pioneers, Celtic artists including Sean Roche, Brendan Woods and the Likes of Reilly, swing band Freo String Trio, rock/cover bands Midget and the Farrelys and the Get Smarts, reggae band Mario Bwana, original/techno bands such as the C-90’s and the Debutantes and improvising instrumental duo Ochre.  Erik is also highly sought after as a session fiddle player on recordings.

Part of Erik’s success is due to his depth of musical experience and understanding, and part due to his exceptional improvising skills.  Improvising is what Erik enjoys most, and he believes that anyone interested in improvisation can learn how.

A lifelong passion for music theory has led Erik to develop a holistic approach to teaching music theory, suitable for musicians of all genres and levels of experience. Erik firmly believes that music theory is a useful addition to any musician’s toolkit. To this end, he has recently started a music theory blog,, as well as producing a quick and easy guide to the essentials of music theory, The Tiny Music Theory Book.


Violin/ Fiddle, music theory and Improvisation lessons