Song for Planet Earth

Song for Planet Earth

The background to this music starts with a group of people in Perth, Western Australia, who at the turn of the Century, were extremely concerned for the future of all living species on Planet Earth. How, they wondered, can we send a message of goodwill to as many people as possible, to at least start a feeling of ‘its our only home, so settle your differences and care for it’.

The answer came in the form of a song, and the power of radio, because there are probably more radios on Earth than any other means of communication.

Between us, we wrote words, composed music, talked to everyone we thought might be interested, involved our local Western Australian Youth Orchestra, and created “Song for Planet Earth’.

We had an undertaking that we would have the song

heard by as many people as possible, so we placed it

on the web and sent the address to at least one radio

station in every country on earth.  At that time, we may

have been a bit ahead in our thinking. It takes time for

enough people to reach the same conclusion, to have

global action. 

Now, almost 10 years later, United Nations is holding a

most significant conference of the world’s leaders in

Denmark, to discuss the very survival of our precious

’only home’. Copenhagen Climate Change Conference,


We seek only the unity of all good people on our Planet,

to prevent the entire destruction of our vital ecosystems.

Please, listen to the song.


Song for Planet Earth 24k mono


Please note:  all files on this website are QuickTime files.  If your browser doesn’t support QuickTime, it’s available from Apple for free.  Just click on the following link to download QuickTime for free:

Note 2:  I’ve been asked to include a small version suitable for phone modems.  Due to limited space on my site I have removed the 128k file and replaced it with a 24k mono version.  This will still take a while on a phone modem, so please be patient until the file has downloaded sufficiently to play (most of my files are only 30 second excerpts, whereas this is a whole song...)

Click HERE for 64k stereo version